In occasion of the Obsessed! Jewellery festival, the Jewellery – Linking Bodies department proudly presents HABIT(ATS)!

What is a body? How do humans move and use their body? Is it possible to sense our bodies and their relation to the world anew? How do I know that I am human? How can feelings be materialized outside of the body? How might we heal the societal body? Whom do we praise and whom do we denigrate? How do we sustain ourselves?
As part of the HABIT(ATS) project, the Jewellery – Linking Bodies department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie explores such questions over the course of five hours, where a choreography of bodies, objects, gestures and enunciations will transpire within specific habitats. Students and alumni will present currently ongoing research as well as projects from the previous year. It might be that choreographing such an encounter will offer an invitation to open up the opportunities for us and our bodies to move and relate in unexpected ways.