Oct 2020

“Ternura Radical: a vibrant approach to matter.”
This workshop will revolve around the performative potential of artistic research; departing from our bodies as a threshold of experience we will embark on a quick journey of discovering affect, relationality, and conditions of life. Focusing on movement and relationality we will direct our attention to how to frame, construct, and enable alternative understandings of the body (not only human but other forms of life). We will explore somatically the relationships to different materials, objects, and situations, and reflect on the performative elements of these relationships.
Biography: “I am a Mexican performing artist working between Amsterdam and Mexico City. With a background in Art, Latin American History, and Performance Studies I hold particular interest, in dance, theory, choreography, videography, creative pedagogy, dramaturgy, facilitation, and writing. I love supporting creative processes and thinking together with others for problem-solving. My main focus is on movement.”
Please find here>> more information.