January 8-9, 2024

Embodiment is a collective binding – a nourishing of the understanding of relationality between bodies and their entanglements with environments, politics and infrastructures.
The individualized body is seen as a container for rights, labor, capital or biological processes in our Western liberal systems. But one alone cannot dismantle the disturbing effects of the structural violence entangled in whom we become. Only through embodiment can one be aware of our forever~moving porous condition.
How do specific practices materialize certain modes of being?
What we practice matters, or in other words, materializes in our bodies, so how can we relate with each other and the world?

We will be working with and from embodiment as a trans~materializing practice to reflect upon aliveness and non~performativity. To embody is to listen and to be present, to oneself and to the other and all others within, in a forever exchange, just like breathing. Together we will be holding space for slowing down, being, collaborating and bringing body~mind~voices into motion. We will be zooming in and out with somatic warm ups, listening attunements and we will be playing with communal voicing, microscopic live captioning and otherworldly possible ‘movement(s’).
Image and Text by Angelo Custódio and Pedro Matias.