Artificial intelligence, metaverse worlds and digital structures frame the way humans think while drastically reshaping the way landscapes are handled. The main focus for this research involves exploring the way technology lives through extractivism, dependent on mineral and geological sources.
With the Jewellery – Linking Bodies department, and for the fellowship I will use methodologies of care, empathy and detail as a means to explore more-than-human infinitudes in technology. Together with the Jewellery – Linking Bodies department my aim is to explore what technology theorist Maria Puig de la Bellacasa says, that in the age of technological acceleration, caring becomes a living technology that can generate relationships of empathy with the living world (2017:95). With this in mind, the approach taken by a craft discipline, which aims to understand how things work from the inside and how things relate to each other, can become a caring attitude, exploring how technologies are rooted in physical landscapes. Finding ways to reflect on the environmental consequences of modern digital life and potential parallels between digital and colonial enforcement that so effectively objectify the non-human world.